Please call  us at our 24/7 hotlines +84.903.278.853 for urgent visa requests you might apply at the night time or early morning in Vietnam!
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Time at Vietnam (UTC+07:00) 09:16:54 AM, Monday, 10 March 2025

To advoid the complication of entry procedure and help travelers feel more comfortable for getting Vietnam visa, we have compiled a list of Vietnam visa tips for your consideration. Following these small tips will not only save you time but also save you from a potential headache.

1. It’s never too soon to get a visa.
Experienced fellow travelers to Vietnam have passed down this often overlooked tip to newcomers. It is recommended that one should commence the process two weeks prior to their departure. Getting a visa to Vietnam is basically an administrative procedure and you will never know how lengthy and unexpected it can be. The quickest way to obtain a Vietnam visa is to apply online.
2. Keep yourself up-to-dated with Vietnam visa regulations.
Prior to your trip, check the Vietnam government website for any change in Vietnam visa regulations. Changes in fees and documents should be taken into account as they can cause your trouble and slow down the timeline of your plan. 
3. Make sure that your passport is valid for at least the next 2 months, with enough space for visa sticker.
If your original passport isn’t valid for 2 months before your arrival date, you DO NEED to ask for a new one before traveling. If not, we are afraid that you will have some trouble for entering Vietnam.
Your Vietnam visa will be stamped in your passport as a sticker in a blank page. In case your passport all full of blank page, a new passport should be prepare to stamp your Vietnam visa
4. Get to know Vietnam E-Visa.
So you may have heard about this type of visa to Vietnam several times before and everyone is claiming how easy it is. An electronic visa (E-visa) is one of visa types issued to foreigners by Vietnamese Immigration Department via electronic system. You can get Vietnam E-Visa just through online registration.

Vietnam E-Visa only works if you have a Vietnam E-Visa in hand  before traveling/getting on board. It means you should choose a reliable website to apply online for getting it as you can not get it by yourseft. This is how it works:
- Fill in Vietnam visa online application (via a visa agent) 
- Pay service fee 
- Receive Vietnam E-Visa from the agent 
- Print it out to pick up Vietnam visa stamp on passport at arrival entry port. 
Vietnam E-Visa is used for all more than 80 citizens travel by all of transportation
For further information regarding Vietnam visa on arrival, please read this article.
To apply for a Vietnam E-Visa right now, please click here
5. Fill in your information correctly.
Make sure that the information you fill in all required Vietnam visa application forms are correct and the same as in your passport. Spelling or typo mistakes can cause unwanted trouble at the Immigration Office. Anyway, this is exactly why you should let a travel agent do Vietnam visa for you. Should anything go wrong, their people will be right at the airport to help.  

6. Beware of the arrival date.
The time you are allowed to stay in Vietnam and the date of arrival are clearly stated on your Vietnam E-Visa. You can enter Vietnam within the cited period but not earlier.

7. Extend your visa.
Since March 15, 2022, after Vietnam officially started using the E-Visa system, the Vietnamese government did not allow visa extension.
In case you wish to stay in Vietnam for longer than your visa duration, Vietnam Visa run is a perfect choice.
8. Find a trustworthy visa agent
Amongst hundreds of websites offering visa service (many of which might be scams), to find a reliable agent with affordable price is not easy. To avoid a rip-off, compare prices between different agents because they can vary greatly. Other than that, there is no better way than call/ email/ chat with them directly to check their service.
Our hotline numbers are +84.903.278.853 or Email us at for more information. APPLY WITH US FOR THE BEST PRICE AND SERVICE!