Please MAKE INTERNATIONAL PHONE CALL TO VIETNAM at our number +84.903.278.853  for urgent visa requests (as you might apply at the night time or early morning in Vietnam)

(DON"T CALL WHATSAPP NUMBER in the MIDNIGHT from 11pm to 5AM Vietnam time, it's not available) 
Time at Vietnam (UTC+07:00) 12:57:24 PM, Wednesday, 26 March 2025

Question: What conditions do I need to get visa extemption?

Saturday, Oct 24, 2020 - 11:37 AM What conditions do I need to get visa extemption?

Asked by Alma

- Your country has signed bilateral or unilateral visa exemption agreement with Vietnam  
- Your stay duration should be no longer than the granted duration 
- Your passport should be valid for at least 06 months following their arrival date 
- Your arrival date does not fall within 30 days following exit date of your last stay in Vietnam with visa exemption.