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Time at Vietnam (UTC+07:00) 03:55:42 PM, Saturday, 29 March 2025
A type of vaccine for Covid-19 named ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 produced by the Oxford University presents to be safe and produce an immune response. The test on more than 1000 people shows that their body produces antibody and white cells that are able to resist Covid-19.
Is the vaccine safe?
It is, but it does create side effect. In fact there is no dangerous reactions but 70% of the volunteers came down with fever or headache, which are said to be able to be cured by taking paracetamol by the researchers.
The professor Sarah Gilbert from Oxford University said “There’re lots of works to do before we can state that our vaccine can help defeat the pandemic but the initial results seems to be potential”.
Before, there’s information that the Gov of UK has approved the 90 million doses of under developing vaccine by BioNtech, Pfizer and Valneva. The number does not include 100 million doses by Oxford university sponsored by AstraZeneca.
However, so far there is no proper vaccine while it’s considered to be the only way to control the pandemic thoroughly. The researchers to develop vaccines have being conducted on an unprecedented scale since the pandemic spread out at the beginning of the year but the good signal is that there are more than 20 types of vaccine are on testing phase now, of which some are successful to produce immune response but none of them is proven to resist to infection.
UK government is conducting vaccine development by 3 different methods:
  • 100 million doses of the Oxford vaccine are made from a genetically modified virus
  • 30 million doses of the BioNtech / Pfizer vaccine, partially injected with the genetic code for the corona virus
  • 60 million doses of Valneva, using the inactive version of the corona virus
Kate Bingham, the chairman of Government vaccine division said that this shown the unprecedented speed the race to develop vaccine for Covid-19 but we should not too optimistic. In fact, probably there would never be vaccine or if there would, it might only help to reduce symptoms caused by the virus, we have to prepare for that.
If there is an effective vaccine, health and social care workers and the one at most risk will be given the priority. There might be a type of vaccine proven to be effective by the end of 2020 but the massive vaccination is not planned until next year. The government is expecting 500,000 volunteers for tests. At least 8 massive tests will be conducted in UK in the near future.