Visa for Vietnam – who needs it?
Many visitors of our site have asked us the same question “Do I need a visa for Vietnam?”. The answer is mostly “Yes”, and sometimes “No”.
Why? The reason may be found elsewhere on the internet with some scattered information about requirements of Visa for Vietnam. Yet, here we provide you with the most sufficient answer for your reference to help save your time of net surfing.
The “No” answer is for those whose nations have signed the Vietnam visa exemption agreement with Vietnam. Detail of this visa exemption list is found here. However, if you have read this, you will see that it does not mean you are totally exempted from visa for Vietnam if your country is in this exemption list, but only free from visa for Vietnam for a certain time as per regulations (cited in this list). For example, Cambodian citizens are exempted from visa for Vietnam for 1 month (or 30 days as maximum). If they would like to stay longer than this 1 month, they will need to apply for a visa for Vietnam for this additional time.
Besides, the “No” answer is also for the Vietnamese overseas who could provide a proof of being Vietnamese such as birth certificate or identification card, etc. The Vietnamese overseas are the Vietnamese people who reside overseas (foreign countries) for a long time and might no longer have Vietnamese passports. Those are also allowed to enter Vietnam without visa for Vietnam if they could show up a proof as mentioned.
Can I get Visa for Vietnam when arriving in Vietnam? Many people misunderstand that Visa for Vietnam can be applied and picked up upon arrival at Vietnam airport. That is not true for the current Vietnam E-Visa. First, you need to have a Vietnam E-Visa and print it out before arriving. Then when you enter Vietnam, you need to submit your Original passport + printed Vietnam E-Visa directly to the Vietnam Immigration Officers and get your Vietnam E-Visa back and passport stamped by the Immigration Officers at the Immigration Desk. To apply for Visa for Vietnam, kindly make online Vietnam visa application here.
Visa for Vietnam is the key first step for your Vietnam trip, so do get to know about it carefully before booking a flight to Vietnam:
· Check Vietnam visa requirements to know whether you are exempted from visa for Vietnam or not
· If you gonna travel by any kinds of transportation, make online application for E-Visa for Vietnam as the quickest way
· Remember to print out and bring the Vietnam E-Visa with you (with original passport) to get the Visa for Vietnam stamped on passport at arrival.
To apply for a visa for Vietnam quickly, kindly click the below button:
Or just feel free to call us at our 24/7 hotline +84.903.278.853 or email us at for 100% free information and guide about visa for Vietnam or Vietnam vacations.